Dear Vendor
As partner of Solina, we invite you to our Product Lifecycle Management platform CRE8, which manages all the data related to our raw materials and solutions.
There are many advantages to using CRE8:
Harmonize all the information into the Solina Group and facilitate the work of multi-factory businesses:
• Starting business with a local site is a way of entering into a Solina environment and means you can share your product with the Group and multiple Solina sites.
• We will ask to you to fill out the information once per Solina Region, and as soon as a new Solina company wishes to register your product, all they need to do is to ask you for additional information.
Improve our communication and ultimately, our partnership:
• Offers the possibility to give you transparent, real-time information regarding the analysis of your proposal.
• Gives you dedicated feedback for each proposal you make to Solina.
• Improves our data updating, because as soon as a chapter is validated, it stops being discussed.
Contact our team for more information, you will receive a user name & password (to be changed), store it safely!